i browsed through my favourite blog to look for something nice to cook for breakfast on sunday morning, and i cam accross this and this.
i decided to give it a try, knowing that it's a RISKY one as i'm hopeless in cooking sambal. tak pe la, kasik cuba dulu. i altered the nasi's recipe to preserve the taste of nasi lemak. omitted all kayu manis dan adik beradiknya.
nasi lemak hijau
2 pot beras
2 cup santan
0.5 cup santan yang diblend dengan plus minus 6 helai daun pandan
bawang merah (sliced)
bawang putih (sliced)
halia (sliced)
1 batang serai dititik
1. basuh beras sehingga bersih.
2. pour everyhting in and season with salt.
3. masak guna rice cooker. jangan lupa kacau to avoid nasi mentah.
sambal sotong
sotong (obviously)
bawang besar (thinly sliced)
bawang merah (tumbuk)
bawang putih (tumbuk)
cili kering yang dah diblend
1 sudu kecil asam jawa adabi
1 cawan santan cair
gula perang
1. tumis bawang besar sehingga perang at sides.
2. tumis bawang merah + putih sehingga naik bau.
3. masukkan cili blend dan continue tumis sehingga terbut minyak.
4. masukkan santan + air asam. kacau sehingga masak.
5. masukkan sotong. continue kacau sehingga sotong masak.
6. season with gula perang and garam.
untuk my boys, since the sambal tuh pedas, i gorengkan ayam for them. (my boys tak suka makan telur)
serve the nasi lemak hijau with sambal sotong, ayam goreng and telur goreng.
ps ~ i totally terlupa nak beli timun or kangkung dan condiments lain. so layankan jek nasi lemak separa lengkap gizi dia. but all in all, it's worth trying when i saw my OH tambah 2 kali. it's either the nasi is damn good or he's extremely hungry. i hope it's not the latter! ;P
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