Friday, February 4, 2011

:: Puding Sos Kastard ::

i was introduced to this pudding when i was in UTM. sangat popular @ PARAM (Pasar Ramadhan). teringin sangat nak makan. got the recipe from Kak Ummi's Blog. an easy peasy pudding to make. super delicious.

i have altered the recipe a bit. buat sikit saje, sebab tak ramai pun yang nak makan.

:: ingredients ::

~ pudding
100g tepung kastard
1 liter air
1 tbsp sugar
evaporated milk (i used ideal) - kuantiti agak2

~ sos
3/4 can evaporated milk
roughly about 1/2 can water
roughly about 1/2 cup sugar
1 egg yolk
1 tsp vanilla essence
fruit cocktail

:: method ::

~ pudding
1. campurkan semua bahan except susu di dalam periuk and masak until berkilat.
2. add in susu and kacau rata. stop cooking before it gets too thick.
3. masukkan dalam bekas kecik and chill.

~ sos
1. add all except buah.
2. masak hingga mendidih.
3. chill.
4. serve pudding dengan sos + buah. (kak ummi recommend pakai fresh fruits, which will definitely be a healthier option!)

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