Friday, October 18, 2013

Omelette, my way

A perfect weekend starts with a perfect breakfast, in my case, moist omellete with bread and cheese. Rupa-rupanya susah jugak nak gulung omellete ni. pfft! Agak-agak buruk bebeno rupa omelette tu, hancurkan saje jadi scramble egg. :P

1. Olive oil
2. Red capsicum (diced)
3. Telur
4. Garam
5. Susu
6. Butter

1. Whisk telur, susu (dalam 2 tbsp), garam & butter. Asingkan.
2. Tumis red capsicum (dan ingredient lain kalau nak, e.g. fresh button mushroom, turkey slices, etc) dengan olive oil.
3. Tuangkan telur yang telah dipukul dan start gulung bila dah hampir masak.
4. Serve warm with chilli sauce + bread.and a cup of coffee. :)

Your perfect weekend has started. Yeay!

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