pic courtesy of sharp
if i'm not mistaken, i got this original recipe from miss hanieliza's pages. and i've been sticking to this recipe as it turns out superbly yummy.
moist chocolate cake (u can choose any cake actually, but to me choccy cake is the best)
1 tin of peach/fruit cocktail
4 cups of fresh milk
4 tablespoon custard powder
3 tablespoon sugar
few drops of vanilla essence (i've been dreaming to use vanilla pod instead)
whipped cream
1 packet of instant strawberry jelly
some whipped cream
grated chocolate (optional)
1. cube cakes or u can even crumble it up to get nice, even surface. place in a clear glass container. (i like pyrex - easy to handle)
2. pour over the juice from the fruit cocktail. set aside.
3. in a pan, pour in milk, sugar, custard powder and vanilla. put in on a medium heat and keep whisking to avoid curdles.
4. cook until it thicken a bit. (i like it smooth - not too hard, not too runny)
5. pour the custard over the cake. set aside.
6. cook the instant jelly as per instruction. for muslims, watch out the contents yeah.
7. while cooking the jelly, arrange the peaches/cocktails on top of the custard.
8. when the jelly is cooked, pour it over the fruits layer and set aside.
1. whipped some cream and add drops of vanilla essence in it.
2. decorate the triffle with the cream as u wish. (seriously, triffle tastes a lot better with cream.. very sinful)
3. top it with grated choccy.
sedapnyee... hari tu rugi tak dpt makan...
ala, siannya mak buyung nih.. nanti² kalau ada rezeki, akak bawak lagik yek..
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