never knew how to cook before. but since married, the urge to learn cooking burst. she's now beginning her steps in cooking, and she find it important to treasure what she has cook for future references.
Thursday, December 10, 2009
:: seafood paprik ::
as lauk to nasi goreng tomyam that i cooked for the weekend. thank you chef hanieliza for sucha simple, practical yet yummy recipes..
35 weeks pregger
This week marks my 35th weeks of pregnancy. It has been the toughest so
far, mentally and physically. I guess, age is catching up, and body has
actually s...
Code : Suri
Length :2m + 2m
Type : English Cotton
Colour : Floral prints in white on turquoise fabric, paired with mini
white polka fabric on t...
Kacang Kuda Tumis dengan Daun Kari
Kunyap-kunyap...hubs feveret...
Kacang kuda...rendam hingga kembang
Kemudian rebus hingga empuk...
*Bahan tumis*
beberapa helai daun ...
Fruit, nut and seed bars
These are great. They’re similar to flapjacks, but because they’ve got
fruit in, you can call them “breakfast bars” and say they’re healthy.
Ingredients Ma...
Gula Melaka ( Palm Sugar) Chiffon Cake
I have a soft spot for gula Melaka, so I just love any cakes, kuih or even
ice-cream that have this amazing ingredient in them. I've bookmarked this
*Source : Noni*
*Ingredients* :
300 g butter
400 g flour (I took out 1/4 cup)
130 g cornflour
100 g icing sugar
1/2 teaspoon vanilla ess...
Assalammualaikum, salam sejahtera semua. Alhamdulillah, masih diberi
sedikit kerajinan untuk che mat kemas kini blog tiffinbiru ini, walaupun
ini entri p...
Baked Blueberry Cheese Cake - Kek keju yang halus, gebu dan lembab sangat
enak dinikmati ketika sejuk. Resepi kek keju yg enak dan lazat ini
diperolehi d...
Homemade Cream Of Mushrooms
Geram pulak bila nampak swiss black & white mushrooms ni kat rak2
supermarket..nampak fresh gitu..ada offer lagi..itu yang terus teringin nak
buat cream ...
Kuih Cara Berlauk
First day of work week in fasting month. Hopefully everything goes on
smoothly & I can go home cun2 at 5.00 to prepare for iftar. Tonight is
going to be a ...
Russian Black & White Chocolate Cake
Assalamualaikum dan selamat sejahtera... ini adalah kek yang menjadi idaman
dan angan-angan aku ingin mencuba. alhamdulillah terlaksana juga akhirnya.
My last post
I’ve tried but to no avail….
I thought that I could find my blogging mojo back by hibernating for a few
months and a few weeks….
I’ve searched high and ...
Thank you
“I can no other answer make, but, thanks, and thanks.” ~ William
Shakespeare I would like to take this opportunity to record my utmost
gratitude to the Amb...
Gooey Cinnamon Cake
This cake is a touchy subject for those lucky enough to have been
introduced to it. Some like it literally flooding, some like it just
slightly oozing in t...
Kelas Untuk Bulan February
Korean Flower Buttercream ~ New Buttercream
Di Johor Bahru 25 th Febuary 2017
Tempat : Masam Manis Cake Salon , Austin Perdana, Johor Bahru, Johor
Tarikh :...
Puding Soya bersama Markisa dan Buah Naga
Assalammualaikum dan Salam Sejahtera...
Minggu lepas saya beli buah markisa, biasanya agak masam tapi kali ini
manis pulak. Dah la beli sampai 7 biji, k...
By Kak Wan @ Wan Resipi
6 ketul Paha Ayam (Drumstik)
2 sudu besar Bawang Putih cincang
2 sudu besar Mi...
Ini kek harijadi Alya pada hampir ke penghujung tahun 2011. Dibuat kerana
nak tahu sangat apa sebenarnya keistimewaan kek ini sehingga menjadi buah
mulut. ...
Dah 2 minggu cuba nak mengapdet, tp masa sgt tak mengizinkan.. Pg ni,
dicelah2 masa yg suntuk dan padat, cuba jugak nak masukkan entri ...
My Pavlova and I
Assalamualaikum everyone! Hallo and hi, i have been away far too long. I
have been busy could be my excuse , but the truth is my blog is not in my
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