Sunday, August 9, 2009

:: Firecracker Fish - Chili's Kinda ::

I went for a lunch with my ‘lunch groupie’ on Friday. Well, it sure a long break for government servants. :D we settled for chilli’s and I usually got stuck up with either mushroom jack fajitas or anything with lamb.

On that beautiful day, one of the members ordered firecracker fish. Frankly speaking, I never fancy those, coz the name surely does not resembles flavours. Boleh gitu?

But she asked all of us to have a bite, and tell you, I was melted away. Heavenly nice!

So, I came home, and decided to give it a go. It’s more or less inspired by ‘ikan 3 rasa’. :P

Fish fillet
Shallots + garlic + ginger (pounded)
3 tbsp chilli sauce
3 tbsp tomato sauce
1 tbsp oyster sauce
½ cup water
Coriander leaves (finely chopped)

1. Heat some oil.
2. Sautee the pounded ingredients till fragrant
3. Pour in the sauces, and keep on stirring.
4. Add in water, and cook till bubbly.
5. On a different pan, pan grilled the fish fillet.
6. Once cooked, pour the sauce over the fish. Sprinkle the chopped coriander leaves and serve warm with salad/whatever that you fancy.

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